The ministries at Ebenezer are designed to share the gospel of Jesus Christ, to guide you toward spiritual maturity and empower you for ministry and leadership. Explore our ministries below!
Sunday School

Here at Ebenezer, there is a class for everyone! Our classes range from infants to Senior Adults (age 65+). Don't let our "labels" confine you! We believe in finding the class, and people, that encourage you and challenge you! Sunday School starts at 9:30AM every Sunday Morning. ​Just as every person can find a class to attend, every person, whether young or old, will be studying the Bible in a small group setting. Discussion and questions are encouraged! Knowing what God’s Word says, and applying it daily, strengthens Christians and encourages us in our daily lives. Please join us!
Youth Group

Our youth group has many activities that your preteen or teen will love! Our group attends summer camps together, helps out in VBS, and so much more! Meeting times are: Sunday morning during Sunday School - 9:30AM Sunday Night - 6:30PM Wednesday Night - 6:30PM ​ Our ministry center includes a gym where our youth gather and play basketball and other games on a regular basis. ​ Off site activities include regular outings out and about in Knoxville and yearly mission trips.

At Ebenezer, children of all ages are welcome! We have several programs that your child will enjoy. Most importantly, your child will be in a safe environment with caring and attentive teachers! Our children's programs are RSs, GAs, and Mission Friends! RAs & GAs are for any boy or girl in first through fifth grade! Mission Friends is for preschoolers and kindergarteners.
Vacation Bible School

As a church, we value Vacation Bible School (VBS) for its numerous benefits to our children! VBS provides an engaging and interactive environment where children can learn about Biblical teachings, values, and stories in a fun and memorable way. This program fosters spiritual growth, character development, and a sense of community among children as they participate in crafts, games, songs, and lessons centered around faith!
Senior Adults

Our Senior adult members are some of our greatest resources! Not only do they bring wisdom and knowledge, our seniors are heavily involved and fill many church roles, including Deacons and Sunday School teachers. Here at Ebenezer, we have two different terms for our beloved seniors. We have "Junior Seniors" and "Senior Seniors". We'll let you decide which age is which! Our Seniors have several activities throughout the year. They take day trips to various destinations and unique restaurants. A Sunday is set aside each year to honor our seniors. The Seniors also have an all senior choir that performs on that day.
Discipleship Training
The primary purpose of Discipleship Training classes is to help Christians grow in our walk with the Lord: to read the Bible more, to pray regularly, to be bold in our witness, to encourage one another in that journey, to fellowship together. Typically three classes are open at various times throughout the year: Book Club, Wednesday Women, and Wednesday Men. To join these classes, you must sign up during the specified time period in order to have a book ordered for you. When we know how many to plan for, books are purchased in advance and rooms are assigned to accommodate the specific numbers in each group!
Music and Worship
At Ebenezer, we have a Baptist traditional Worship service complete with an accompanying choir. We love singing from the red back Hymnal, but we also sing more contemporary songs on occasion. ​ Our Choir has regular practices and has performances throughout the year! ​ We are always looking to add to the choir. If you have a heart for worship, come join us!